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Tuscan Honey

"If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live." Albert Einstein

In our farm beehives have always adorned our fields and newly harvested honey has always smacked children’s and adults’ lips. Bee breeding is incredibly enchanting; getting near to this small but tireless and very organized world you can easily remain enchanted. This is the reason for which from father to son this tradition until now continues, with its techniques and small secrets. People who, like us, live in the countryside every day, fully understand the fundamental role that bees perform in the pollination of plants. They contribute to maintaining our Earth beautiful and varied


Life for these noble insects is possible only in an uncontaminated and healthy environment, without the use of fertilisers and chemical parasiticides. For us, farmers devoted to bee breeding, this means growing up in consciousness. This is fundamental for maintaining natural biodiversity in the surrounding countryside and therefore we cannot destroy what that Nature has given us with intense and immoderate exploitation.


Thanks to an uncontaminated and clean environment, using a technique of breeding and honey harvesting which may be considered responsible, today we obtain two kinds of honey, the "Thousand Flowers" and the "Unifloral". Furthermore, they have a great estimated value. The elegance of the paper packaging allows us to defend the product from light and in this way conserves its optimal property, offering you good honey as if it was newly harvested.Honey is excellent in all sweets preparation as a substitute of sugar: It tends to sweeten less than this last ingredient maintaining softness and freshness for longer. These sweets will always be characterized by a light fragrance according to the honey that you have used. "Acacia", "Sulla", "Blackberry Bush" and "Medical Herbs" honeys are the most delicate."Sunflower", "Erica", "Eucalyptus" and "Thousand Flowers" are honeys which have more intense fragrances, that will characterize your preparation much more.Another ancient pair of great success, but valid even now, is that with cheese. Below you can find the descriptions of the different kinds of honey that we produce and some suggestions.Honey is called "Unifloral" when it is prevalently made of nectar which comes from one particular flower. In fact, bees also visit secondary flowers, which uniquely characterize the way in which "Unifloral" honey is produced in each area. Every "Unifloral" honey is distinguishable thanks to colour, granulometry and obviously the organoleptic characteristics.


- According to the period of the year, with a peak in Spring and Summer and a strong drop during Winter, every beehive gives hospitality to one queen, about one hundred drones (in general only during the summer-spring period) and from 20,000 to 70,000 worker bees.
- During the productive season, every worker bee lives about 50 days, instead the queen lives up to 4-5 years. During this long period, in the productive season, she deposits up to 2000 eggs a day.
- To produce 1 Kg of honey, more than 50,000 flights there and back from the beehive to the flowers are necessary. That means that to pollinate flowers, a bee living 3 Km from the beehive must travel a total of 150,000 Km.
- Bees are insects that are very sensitive to pollution, but there are not cases of pollution in honey because bees die before that they can accumulate it.
- Honey is a food product that bees produce from flower nectar. This is collected and transformed thanks to specific substances belonging to bees. Then it is stored and left to ripen in the honeycombs of the beehive.
- Mainly honey is constituted by monosaccharide sugar like fructose and glucose. The different prevalence of one or the other determines, with a drop in temperature, the crystallization or not of the honey. The kinds of honey which are rich in fructose have the tendency to stay in a liquid form for a long time. Instead those that are rich in glucose are inclined to crystallize in time. We advise softening a crystallized honey by soaking the pot in tepid water (not more than 40° centigrades to avoid the variation of the organoleptic characteristics).

Our honeys' selection




Erba Medica




Melata di Bosco


In addition below a selection of special honeys available in limited quantities




